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98% Client Retention Rate


Our SEO Company and Digital Marketing Agency History: 'Data First + Ethics First'

A sea-change moment occurred in the digital marketing and SEO industry in South Africa in April 2020, when Michael Smit, the Senior SEO analyst of SEOpros, at that time the top ranking Digital Marketing Agency in South Africa, left the agency he helped to start in 2016, to launch his own specialist SEO Company called Blue Cabin SEO.

The new SEO company based in the ‘semigration’ town of White River in the Lowveld, offers bespoke SEO services for high-end clients across the globe while at the same time aiding South African SMMEs in taking their businesses from just surviving to thriving.

With years of specialist SEO and digital marketing experience and custom-tailored SEO packages for each individual client, the team at Blue Cabin SEO does not believe in one size fits all. The new agency approach is in doing things right with KPI and data-driven approaches, professional business practice, ethical digital marketing and solid SEO analysis that provides value to a client’s bottom line/profit margins.

As the only niche SEO company in South Africa, Blue Cabin SEO’s focus on growing your business through Search Engine Optimization remains undiluted and arguably of the highest calibre offerings globally.

Grow your business, grow traffic to your website, and rank on the first page of Google for your service and product with Blue Cabin SEO.

We offer exclusive bespoke consulting on SEO Packages and Pricing based on your industry niche. Client intake is limited as we offer a boutique service. Get in touch and work with the best in Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing.

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