Hi dear readers. This the very first blog post and it’s going to be a short one at that.
We are currently quite busy assisting our clients in outwitting their competitors in very competitive digital niches and we must say, this does keep us away from blogging a fair bit.
I am planning to make time before the day starts to put some thoughts on paper about the exciting days we have at our Blue Cabin in the middle of nowhere(White River, South Africa) while we assist local(mostly Gauteng) and international based brands in outpacing their competition. It’s quite a juxtaposition, we know, but the world of business has changed, and our cozy little Blue Cabin is at the forefront of that change.
Check back on occasion to see what we come up with on our blog. We aim to shed light on the strategies you can use in digital marketing and pitfalls to avoid in the South African context. Check in on our SEO Packages in South Africa page for our most recent SEO rates and pricing, should you need a Blue Cabin SEO boost to your business.
Thank you!